Full form: Weight
Meaning: “a body’s relative mass or the quantity of matter contained by it (noun), attribute importance or value to (verb)”
Common Abbreviations: Wt., Wgt., Wts., Wgts.
Weight – Meaning & Definition
Weight is used as a noun or a verb within sentences. As a noun, weight is defined as the heaviness of someone or something or it can be used to refer a measurement of that heaviness of a person or a thing. As a verb, weight means to hold or to put a weight on something; or to trouble with a burden.
For example,
1. The doctor advised you that you must make a proper diet plan in order to lose your extra weight.
2. I weighted the washing machine with loads of clothes.
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Suitable Ways to Use Wt. or Wgt. for Weight
Avoid using abbreviations such as wt. or wgt. in academic areas like in general essay or prose writings.
People use these abbreviations for weight in the areas like courier services or post offices to refer parcels’ or packages’ weight.
You can find out an abbreviation for weight on the form related to courier. An abbreviation for weight can also be used while taking shorthand notes.
1. Over wgt.
2. Recommended wt. = 150 lbs
If you come across the plural of weight, just remember to add an –s at the end of its abbreviated terms to make them pluralized.
What Did You Learn?
wgt. or wt. can be used as an abbreviation for weight. The plural abbreviations are wgts. and wts..