If you are an educated person, you will come up with many places in which you have to write about your qualification. According to AP Style academic degrees, you cannot use an abbreviation for your degree in a phrase. There is a specific rule for the use of an abbreviation for your degree.
> The abbreviations like Ph.D., B.S., LL.D.,M.S., etc., cannot be used just after a last name. The correct way to use these abbreviations is that you can use them after a full name by setting off commas. For example,
“Bravo John, M.S., will come to show us his presentation.”
Use of an Apostrophe
If you are generally referring degrees, you should use lowercase and an apostrophe. For instance, bachelor’s degree or master’s degree.
However, if you are mentioning a subject with the degree, then, you should capitalize it without using an apostrophe. For instance, Bachelor of Arts or Master of Arts.
• I am in my final semester of Bachelor of Arts in Literature.
• I have to complete my bachelor’s degree in Computer Science.
Note: There is an associate degree as well. For referring an associate degree, you should not use an apostrophe. For instance, I have to complete my associate degree.
Check Out: How Do We Write Academic Titles In AP Style?
How to List Multiple Degrees
When listing multiple degrees, separate them with commas and place the abbreviations after the full name.
1. Jane Doe, Ph.D., M.S., B.A.
2. Dr. Emily Carter, M.D., M.P.H., B.S., will be our keynote speaker.
This format ensures clarity and readability, while respecting AP Style rules.
When to Abbreviate Academic Degrees
Abbreviations for degrees, such as Ph.D. or M.S., should only be used after a full name and set off by commas.
Avoid abbreviating degrees in general references.
Instead, write out “bachelor’s degree” or “master’s degree” unless mentioning the specific degree.
Common Mistakes When Writing Academic Degrees
A common mistake is placing abbreviations directly after a last name.
1. Smith, Ph.D.
Always use the full name before abbreviations.
Another mistake is capitalizing general references like “Bachelor’s Degree”. It should be lowercase unless naming the specific degree, such as “Bachelor of Arts.”
What Did You Learn?
When writing academic degrees in AP Style, use abbreviations only after a full name and set off by commas. Use lowercase and apostrophes for general references, like “bachelor’s degree” or “master’s degree,” but capitalize specific degrees like “Bachelor of Arts.”