In AP Style States names should be spelled out when they stand alone but abbreviated when paired with a city name. Certain states, however, are never abbreviated, and there are specific rules for formatting in datelines. According to AP Style, you should not abbreviate the names of 50 states when standing alone within sentences. In […]
AP Style Guide
Most of the newspaper, magazine and other online publication writers prefer AP Style for their publications. So, do you want an effective or effecient publication? Do you want to make your write-up a perfectly acceptable write-up?
Then, you can follow this AP Style Guide to make your writing error-free; to access acceptable grammar, spelling, usage and punctuation.
How Do We Write Months in AP Style?
In AP Style, the names of months are capitalized, with specific rules for when to abbreviate them. Only six months, Jan., Feb., Aug., Sept., Oct., and Dec., can be abbreviated when paired with a specific date, while the rest must be spelled out. The first and foremost point to remember is that you should capitalize […]
How Do We Write Datelines in AP Style?
AP Style datelines are used to specify the location and date at the beginning of a news article. The city is capitalized, followed by the state or country, with specific rules for abbreviations and cities that stand alone without state names. What AP Style Datelines Suggests? Dateline is a line at the beginning of a […]
How Do We Write Dates in AP Style?
AP Style dictates specific rules for writing dates to maintain consistency and clarity. This includes using numerals for dates without ordinal suffixes and following guidelines for abbreviating months and referring to decades. How To Write Dates in AP Style According to AP Style, you should not use ordinal numbers for dates. You should always use […]
How Do We Write Bachelor’s Degree in AP Style?
In AP Style, degree titles like “bachelor’s degree” are written in lowercase, and abbreviations for degrees should be avoided. It’s important to follow specific capitalization and phrasing rules when referencing academic degrees. What AP Style Suggests? According to AP Style, you should avoid using abbreviations for bachelor’s degree. You have to keep a few points […]