Confusing Words: Alter (verb) and Altar (noun)
Alter (change in character or composition, typically in a comparatively small but significant way.)
Altar (a table or flat-topped block used as the focus for a religious ritual, especially for making sacrifices or offerings to a deity.)
Alter vs Altar Clarification: Alter and altar are homonyms. They carry different meanings and can not be used interchangeably.
Alter vs Altar – What is the Difference, Definition & Meaning?
Both of these words are correct but there is much difference between these two words. Both words are totally different from each other. Let us start with the pronunciation of alter and altar.
As you can see that there is only one-letter difference between these two words i.e. alter and altar. This is the reason that people usually mix up these two words in their writings. There is no problem in speaking but spellings matter a lot in writing. So, you have to be very alert and conscious in choosing words for writing.
Another important point regarding alter vs. altar is that you have to know that which word functions what. In this case, alter is used as a verb whereas, altar is a noun. So, we can say that alter and altar are known as homophones because they sound exactly same but they have different meanings and origins.
Alter + Altar = Homonyms
Meanings and Examples of Alter and Altar
Now, I will discuss their meanings along with some easy examples. Read carefully, you will get that how you can use each word in sentences without having any confusion.
Alter has far more different meaning and usage than altar. As, I mentioned above that alter is used as a verb in sentences. You have heard the word alteration.
It is the process of changing something. For instance, if you have a shirt which is too long and too tight, it means that your shirt needs an alteration or modification. In the same way, the word ‘alter’ is the verb form of the noun ‘alteration’. It means ‘to modify, restyle, refine or to change something’.
1. Please alter your plans for Saturday night as we are having a party late night.
2. I have to go to tailor and ask him if he had altered my shirt or not.
3. Human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind. (William James)
One important point related to ‘alter’ is that do not get confused of the phrase ‘alter ego’. This phrase has nothing to do with the word ‘alter’. Alter ego is a phrase meaning a person’s secondary personality or nature.
Unlike alter, altar is used as a noun in sentences. This word is a religious term. It defines a table or any place upon which religious ceremonies take place. People use to offer sacrifices on it. So, it can be an important place for many people.
Let us see how we can use this word in sentences.
1. The priest was standing at the altar to claim something important.
2. The altar of the church was decorated with some beautiful hand crafted stones.
3. In olden times, sacrifices were made at the altar , a practice that still continues. –(Helen Rowland)
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What Did You Learn?
So, it is clear that alter vs. altar has a serious confusion that is their pronunciation which is similar. Otherwise, the meanings and the usage are very different. Alter cannot be a noun, it is used as a verb. Altar, on the other side, always used as a noun.
Alter and altar are homonyms. Remember to keep them apart.
Alter is a verb which means to change whereas altar is a noun which is a surface upon which religious ceremonies take place.