Confusing Words: Centrifugal (adjective) and Centripetal (adjective)
Centrifugal (moving or tending to move away from a centre.)
Centripetal (moving or tending to move towards a centre.)
Centrifugal vs Centripetal Clarification: Centrifugal and centripetal are two totally different words that cannot be interchangeable.
Centrifugal vs Centripetal – What is the Difference, Definition & Meaning?
In terms of pronunciation, centrifugal and centripetal are so close to each other. Beside this, they both are scientific terms and they both may be called a force. These are the reasons for the confusion between them. However, both of these words are not interchangeable. They have totally different meanings from each other.
Let me define these terms one by one. In this way, you will be able to differentiate the centrifugal force from centripetal force.
Centrifugal is used as an adjective within sentences. It is used to refer a force that moves away something from a center.
1. According to a research, the circulation of blood is entirely centrifugal that allows blood to move outward from the heart.
2. Henkel Loctite Impregnation process has designed a centrifugal procedure following the process in each tank to spin out the impregnant residue and water. (Hindu Business Line)
Centripetal is the opposite of Centrifugal
Like centrifugal, centripetal is also used as an adjective within sentences. Centripetal is the opposite of centrifugal. Unlike centrifugal force, centripetal force is used to refer a force that moves or attracts something toward a center.
1. When a body moves with uniform speed along a circular path, it involves centripetal force.
2. “ It’s got a big drum on it and the seed spins with centripetal force one way while another part spins the other way which creates an atomising effect, so what it does is coat every seed individually as it’s going,” he said. (Farm Weekly)
Centrifugal and Centripetal can be used Figuratively
Both centrifugal and centripetal can be used figuratively as well. For instance, centrifugal can be used to point out someone or something that is avoided by others. On the other hand, centripetal seeks attention or concentration.
1. Paris is centripetal for everyone, which has almost 22 top-rated beautiful locations.
2. This creature of the poem may assemble itself into a being with its own centrifugal force. (Sharon Olds)
The following example is one of the famous quotes of Mahatma Gandhi. Check out the use of centripetal and centrifugal within a sentence.
The fact that mankind persists shows that the cohesive force is greater than the disruptive force, centripetal force greater than centrifugal. (Mahatma Gandhi)
What Did You Learn?
Centrifugal and centripetal are two totally different words that cannot be interchangeable. Both are used as an adjective within sentences. Centrifugal is a force that moves away something from a center. Centripetal, on the other hand, is a force that moves or attracts something toward a center.