Confusing Words: Beside (preposition) and Besides (preposition/adverb)
Meaning: at the side of; next to.
Beside vs Besides Clarification: Beside and besides are just one-letter apart. You cannot use both of these words interchangeably.
Beside vs Besides – What is the Difference, Definition & Meaning?
Is it beside or besides? Are both of these words correct to use or there is just a spelling mistake?
Let me tell you one thing, both beside and besides are correct words to use within sentences. They are different in terms of meanings as well as in functions. Now, I will define each term separately and use them in example sentences.
The word ‘beside’ is used as a preposition within sentences. It is synonymous with alongside meaning at the side of.
For example,
1. Don’t get nervous; I will always stand beside you.
2. I have placed your book on the table beside the bed.
3. Her body was found beside a footpath on the outskirts of the community and she died a day later in Townsville Hospital. (The Cairns Post)
The word ‘besides’ can be used as a preposition or an adverb within sentences. As a preposition, it means apart from or in addition to.
1. Besides baking, I love to make handmade accessories.
2. Besides the dearth of bike lanes, fast-moving busy streets, and sub-par pavement, bike share has additional challenges in this area. (Streetsblog San Francisco)
As an adverb, besides means furthermore, in addition to, also or as well.
1. I don’t want to go outside. Besides, I want to take a rest.
2. Pictou County would benefit from a post-season matchup with the Antigonish Bulldogs for a couple of reasons (sincerely, no offence to the Bulldogs, and besides, I’m pretty sure they’d be good with playing the Scotians in the first round, and not the Miners). (The News)
Got the Difference?
From the above discussion, it has been clear that beside and besides are two different words having different meanings and functions. So, you have to be careful while using these words. Do not mix beside with besides, as it will cause a great confusion among readers.
Always use beside (without an –s) to refer an alongside. Remember one thing that beside is always followed by a noun or a pronoun. For instance, ‘beside you’ or ‘beside the bed’. On the other hand, besides (with an –s) always refer to make an additional point. If besides comes before the additional point then, a comma should be set off after besides.
What Did You Learn?
Beside and besides are just one-letter apart. You cannot use both of these words interchangeably. Beside is a preposition which is synonymous with alongside. On the other hand, besides can be an adverb and a preposition which means apart from, also or in addition to.